$97.00 USD

Holistic Management Masterclass with Shaan & Gonzalo

Special Offer for only $47

Now that you have your Holistic Homestead Guide - join us for an exclusive 90 minute masterclass with live Q&A where we will show you how to incorporate it into Holistic Land Management.

Based on Allan Savory's regenerative agriculture Holistic Management principles, we will guide you on how to integrate your highly personalised vision into your land management strategy - in order to create a resilient and thriving farm, homestead or home.

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Your Holistic Homestead Guide

Don't let overwhelm and lack of clarity hinder your progress.

Enroll in "Your Holistic Homestead" today and gain the tools and support you need to create a thriving, sustainable, and deeply ecological life.

What you'll get:

  • Immediate access to 3 Weeks of Course Content

  • Plus a full Week's Bonus Content

  • BONUS 1: Your Holistic Homestead Workbook

  • BONUS 2:  Private Community Access

  • BONUS 3: Homesteading Resource Library 

Get the tool you need to create a highly personalised vision and foundation of clarity for your life today!

For your added security, we provide a 30 day money back guarantee to makes sure you are satisfied with the product! For any questions email Shaan at [email protected] 

What People Are Saying:

"As soon as I started the course, I started looking at how I interact with nature in our home environment differently. I started to envision a more genuine connection that would bring us greater joy each day - especially in the spaces we enjoy the most. I also started to reflect on my whole life in a far more holistic way - I had always thought of my life as Work and Home balance, but through the course, I learned to weave together nine different aspects of myself, environment, and community that have led to a more peaceful way of living."


"With Shaan & Gonzalo’s passionate and thorough guidance, the Holistic Homestead Guide enabled us to distill out the thoughts and ideas that truly aligned with our intentions. This is such a valuable skill to assist with what can be the overwhelming chaos of thoughts and ideas."

Despi & Pat