What if you had a tool to transform your homestead into an oasis of calm and clarity?


Stop wasting time, money and effort on failed projects - and start making informed decisions with confidence!

Your problem isn't a lack knowledge and experience.  Your problem is that you haven't set a solid foundation. 

What you need is to create a strategy specific to you - your family, your values and YOUR homestead!

Yes! Bring on CALM & CLARITY!

Does this sound familiar?

You watch hundreds of YouTube videos, but are still left feeling completely confused and overwhelmed?

Seeing all the picture perfect homesteaders on social media leaves you wondering if you will ever be able to achieve anything close to that?

We get it - we've been there!


When you embark on your homesteading journey, feeling like you lack enough knowledge and experience is completely normal.

It feels like failed projects, and wasted time and money are just par for the course... but it doesn't have to be that way or feel THIS HARD!

It is possible - and we can show you the way.

We can guide you to creating a strategy specific to your family, your values and YOUR homestead - so that you can stop wasting time and money on projects that aren't right for YOU!

Allan Savory & Holistic Management

Early in 2020 we were introduced to the work of Regenerative Farmer, Allan Savory. His groundbreaking land management technique, known as "Holistic Management", revolves around the idea that the health and productivity of our ecosystems depend on considering the intricate relationships between plants, animals, the land - and YOU. 

Within the Holistic Management system is a tool called "Holistic Context".  We found this tool so life changing that we wanted to spread the word far and wide!  The only struggle we found was that this system was technical and mostly aimed at large scale farmers.

We wanted to make it easy for beginners and small scale homesteaders to access and implement within their lives.  And that is how Your Holistic Homestead was born - inspired by the incredible work of Allan Savory, but thought of in a way to make it usable and accessible to all of us.

For more information on Allan Savory and Holistic Management, click the link below.



Picture This!

Imagine facing every homesteading challenge with absolute clarity and confidence, knowing exactly what is right for YOU - your specific dreams, desires and values and your specific property.

When you have a clear vision for your homestead, bringing your dreams to life can be so much simpler!

Yes, I want to bring my dreams to LIFE!

What's Inside:

A transformative 3 week mini-course specially designed for homesteaders like you.

Drawing inspiration from strategic regenerative agriculture principles, this course is your key to creating a solid foundation for your homestead - empowering you to make informed decisions and finding tailored solutions that work for your specific circumstances.

WEEK 1: 


In Week 1 you will be guided through a series of exercises and journalling prompts in order to get really clear on your current lifestyle, and dreams for the future.



In Week 2 we create a framework for your Holistic Homestead - your Ideal Life Statements and the Enabling Actions to get you there.



In Week 3 we use your Holistic Life and seven key questions as a tool to guide you to clear decision making and decisive action!

Plus an Entire Bonus Week!




We want to share another one of our favourite tools with you, absolutely free!

In the Bonus Week, we share our Holistic Brief with you.  A comprehensive checklist for everything your homestead might incorporate - to help you plot your path to your dream homestead.



  • Dwellings: Houses, Outdoor areas, Ancillary Dwellings and more.
  • Systems: Water supply, water storage, energy production, waste management, grey water and black water systems.
  • Animals: Domestic pets, Chickens, Ducks, and more.
  • Planting: Kitchen Garden, Greenhouse, Main Crop, Food Forest, Agroforestry and more.

Wait... that's not all!

You also get access to all of theses great bonuses!


Your Holistic Homestead Workbook

A comprehensive set of fillable templates, checklists, and worksheets to streamline your process and ensure you cover all the essential aspects of your holistic homestead.


Private Community Access

Become part of our thriving community of like-minded homesteaders, where you can connect, share experiences, and learn from one another as you embark on this transformative journey.

You get all of this for only $97!


Without solid foundations, you will always be patching a leaking house…

And without a holistic approach to your homestead, you will always lack clarity and struggle to know which decisions work for you.

Choosing to create a homestead is one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on.  But with it, comes having to make many decisions and learn many new skills.


We get it - at first, we were completely overwhelmed by the research and decisions required for our own homestead. But we didn't give up. Drawing inspiration from regenerative agriculture management techniques, we developed a guide specifically for homesteaders.

This guide has proved so transformative that we now use it with all our private 1:1 design clients and want to share it with you!


With so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to know what's right for YOU - your family, your land, your values, and your budget.

Don't let confusion and uncertainty hold you back from creating the homestead of your dreams. Get the guidance you need to make informed decisions and build a solid foundation for your future.


What our clients are saying...

"As soon as I started the course, I started looking at how I interact with nature in our home environment differently. I started to envision a more genuine connection that would bring us greater joy each day - especially in the spaces we enjoy the most.

I also started to reflect on my whole life in a far more holistic way - I had always thought of my life as Work and Home balance, but through the course, I learned to weave together nine different aspects of myself, environment, and community that have led to a more peaceful way of living."


“Through doing this course I realised that I am quite able to implement my own site-specific plan according to my needs and resources. I'm more focused now and confident that this knowledge underpins my input and gut-feel”


"With Shaan & Gonzalo’s passionate and thorough guidance, the Holistic Homestead Guide enabled us to distill out the thoughts and ideas that truly aligned with our intentions.  This is such a valuable skill to assist with what can be the overwhelming chaos of thoughts and ideas."

Despi & Pat

This is not just a guide - this is a fundamental tool that we use on a daily basis.  We use it to keep ourselves on track with our own homesteading journey, and we use it as the foundational step when working with any 1:1 private design clients.

The process requires some deep thought, but the feedback always comes back the same - “Wow, I had never thought about my life in this way”  or “I had never asked myself these questions”.  

The holistic homestead guide completely changed our way of thinking, and does for many of our clients.  And we are sure it will for you as well!

I NEED this tool!

Hey There!

We are Shaan and Gonzalo - a husband and wife design team.  As professional architect and landscape regeneration consultants - we guide clients on a journey to live more connected to nature.  
With over 30 years of combined experience in complex infrastructure projects our passion will always be strategic design and planning. 
We can show you how to design your personalized framework for your property and life aspirations, that integrates all of the different components in a way that they complement each other.

After many years of trying to align our corporate jobs and urban lives with our goals for a self-sufficient lifestyle, we understand the frustration and overwhelm that comes when trying to swim upstream.
Over time we have refined the elements and strategies that made a lasting impact in our journey, and helped to catapult us to the lifestyle of our dreams. 
We want to jump start your progression all while making your life easier and more enjoyable - less stress, and more joy.

This is right for you if:

  • You crave clarity and guidance: You're tired of feeling overwhelmed and unsure about where to start or how to prioritize. This course will provide you with a clear roadmap and actionable steps, empowering you to make informed decisions and find tailored solutions.
  • You value time and efficiency: You recognize that time is a precious resource, and you're ready to optimize your efforts. With "Your Holistic Homestead," you'll learn how to make the most of your time, focusing on strategies that yield tangible results in just a few minutes a day.
  • You desire a strong foundation: You understand that a solid foundation is key to the success of any homestead. By completing this course, you'll gain the essential  expertise needed to establish a robust foundation that will support your homesteading goals.
  • You're seeking a supportive community: You want to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainable living. With "Your Holistic Homestead," you'll gain access to a private community of fellow homesteaders, where you can exchange ideas, seek advice, and find inspiration along your journey.

Why This Might Not Be Right for You:

  • You are not willing to put in the time and effort required to build a solid foundation for your homestead: If you're not ready to invest the time and effort required to create a holistic homestead, this course may not be the right fit. Building a sustainable ecosystem requires dedication and a willingness to implement the knowledge gained from the course.
  • Desire for instant results: Creating a holistic homestead is a process that requires patience and ongoing effort. If you're seeking immediate, overnight transformations, this course may not meet your expectations.
  • Close-minded thinking: You are not open to new ideas or willing to challenge your current beliefs about homesteading.

  • Investing in your Homestead: You are not willing to invest in yourself and your homestead for long-term success.
  • Capacity to change: You are not ready to make changes to your current lifestyle or routine in order to achieve your homesteading goals.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We get it, you've taken advice in the past that didn't pan out.  The last thing you need is another failed homesteading band-aid.  

We have put so much work into creating the best digital product we can offer, and we've seen the proof of transformation with so many clients. We feel so confident that "Your Holistic Homestead" will add value to your homesteading journey, that we are willing to give you a 30 day full money back guarantee.

While we can't guarantee that this guide will magically solve all of your problems, we do think that if you put in the work, you will gain immense clarity and confidence from this course.

If you are not fully satisfied with this product, we will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.


Don't let overwhelm and lack of clarity hinder your progress.

Enroll in "Your Holistic Homestead" today and gain the tools and support you need to create a thriving, sustainable, and deeply ecological homestead.

Your dream of a holistic oasis is within reach.

Bring me my OASIS!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the tool you need to create a highly personalised vision and foundation of clarity for your homestead today!

I am ready to create a foundation of CLARITY!