What if you had a design team in your back pocket to make your self-sufficient and sustainable property dreams come true?

You dream of transforming your property into an abundant oasis that is self-sufficient, resilient and low maintenance - but with so many aspects to consider it feels like you will never make heads or tails of how it all fits together.
What if you could create a thriving home ecosystem that supports buildings, income generation, land, food, soil, water, power, waste, animals, plants, other living creatures and YOU - with ease!

"As soon as I started the course, I started looking at how I interact with nature in our home environment differently. I started to envision a more genuine connection that would bring us greater joy each day - especially in the spaces we enjoy the most.

I also started to reflect on my whole life in a far more holistic way - I had always thought of my life as Work and Home balance, but through the course, I learned to weave together nine different aspects of myself, environment, and community that have led to a more peaceful way of living.

By redesigning spaces and reprioritising time, it feels like everything is working towards my newly clarified goals, which has led to me being happier and calmer."

- Angela

Are you tired of watching hundreds of YouTube videos, and still not knowing what is right for you? 
Solar. Water. Waste. Animals. Veggies. Pests. Buildings. Trees. The list goes on... and on.
Knowing where to start and learning how all of these things work together can leave you feeling paralyzed.
We get it, we’ve been there
And while everyone's personal wish list for their property will look different, achieving your vision doesn't have to be difficult. 
Imagine you knew with certainty that any project you worked on, and any money or time you spent, was getting you one step closer towards a bigger picture.
It is possible - and we can show you the way.

We can guide you in creating a highly personalized vision and action plan so that you can go from feeling lost and frustrated, to inspired and motivated!



We are Shaan and Gonzalo - a husband and wife design duo. We are professional architects that guide clients on a journey to live more connected to nature.
With over 30 years of combined experience in complex infrastructure projects our passion will always be strategic design and planning. 
We can show you how to design your personalized framework for your property and life aspirations, that integrates all of the different components in a way that they complement each other.

After many years of trying to align our corporate jobs and urban lives with our goals for a self-sufficient lifestyle, we understand the frustration and overwhelm that comes when trying to swim upstream.
Over time we have refined the elements and strategies that made a lasting impact in our journey, and helped to catapult us to the lifestyle of our dreams. 
We want to jump start your progression all while making your life easier and more enjoyable - less stress, and more joy.

With this 12 month mentorship programme, not only do you get a step-by-step guide to designing your sustainable property - you get direct access to experienced professionals for a FULL YEAR to help you every step of the way.

It is like having a design team in your back pocket at a fraction of the cost!


This is a practical design based programme.  By the end, you will have designed a holistic and highly personalized vision for your property.
A master plan which you can begin implementing with confidence and clarity immediately.


This 12 Month Mentorship Programme consists of two core elements:

Weekly Design Review Sessions

2x per month, we will have a live session to answer all of your questions and review your designs.  This is the opportunity to get direct 1:1 feedback and input from us.  Not only that, you will have access to all the previously recorded sessions for the duration of the course.  These sessions will be hugely beneficial, not just because you get instant access to our input, but because you get to learn and be inspired by all the other participants.

 8 Modules of Course Content

The programme includes 8 modules of course content for you to work through at your own pace. The modules will include instructional videos, worksheets and practical exercises - covering all aspects of the design process.  You will have lifetime access to the course content.

In Module 1 we introduce how the programme will work, what you can expect to achieve, and our background and experience.

We introduce you to some ideas and exercises that reconnect you to nature and get the creative juices flowing. 

In Module 2 we begin to define your design brief.  

We dig deep into defining your core beliefs and desires to create a highly personalised and inspiring framework for your property... and your life!

In Module 3 we reawaken our understanding and amazement of the incredible natural systems that govern life on earth - soil, plants, forests, animals, ecosystems, biomes, climate and land form.

We cover practical exercises like researching, mapping and observing the natural systems on your property.

In Module 4 we explore global and micro-climate, nature's clock and land shape (topography).

We add layers to your growing observational research as we prepare all the ground work for design.                                            

In Module 5 we explore how the patterns in nature can be used within your design - to harness all of nature's inherent wisdom!

We get stuck into your design, using all of your research and observations to begin defining your personal plan.

In Module 6 we delve into the different components of your brief and how we can utilise and integrate them in your design - soil, water, waste, power, buildings, growing systems, animals, plants, forests and YOU!

We use various design exercised to get the creative juices flowing!

In Module 7 we refine, refine, refine!  We will work through and detail all of your different masterplan components.  

By the end of this module, you will have a masterplan that meets (if not exceeds) all of the objectives within your design brief.

In Module 8 we close off the programme by defining a clear path forward - your personalised strategy that gets you from A to Z with clarity.

We work through the phasing, budgeting and implementation of your masterplan design - making your highly personalised dream for your property a tangible reality.

"Regardless of one's experience in a garden I have found that much money, resources and time can be mis-spent without a logical plan. But where to get the plan that fits your specific needs?

Through doing this course I realised that I am quite able to implement my own site-specific plan according to my needs and resources. I'm more focused now and confident that this knowledge underpins my input and gut-feel"

- Annelee




12x Monthly Payments

  • Lifetime Access to Course Content
  • Bi-Monthly Design Sessions
  • Access to all previous design session recordings
  • Access to Private Community

Pay in Full


Once Off Payment

  • Lifetime Access to Course Content
  • Bi-Monthly Design Sessions
  • Access to all previous design session recordings
  • Access to Private Community


We understand that this is a significant investment, and we want to be sure you are happy with what you get. We want you to be completely satisfied with the programme and our services, so if this course is in any way not what you expected, we will give you a full refund within 30 days of payment.


  • You started off extremely motivated and did a ton of work - only to undo it all a year later because it just wasn't’ working.
  • You hired a professional, but were left feeling despondent and frustrated with the outcome. It just wasn’t quite what you were expecting.
  • While the experts you hire are looking at solutions for specific systems, who is looking at the big picture?
  • Everyone has a different opinion and suggestion - how are you supposed to trust that recommendations from service providers will be the right solution for your personal circumstances?
  • There is never enough time (or money)- and it feels like there is no end in sight!

There is another way...


Through a series of practical exercise you will - 

  • Define your needs and wants to create your personal project brief and the action plan required to turn it into a reality
  • Perform site analysis and observation exercises in order to gain an intimate understanding of your property 
  • Through our design exercises, compile everything into your personalized master plan drawing and implementation framework.
  • Create an overview of all the different components and systems (water, power, waste, etc) to know which ones suit your needs
  • Understand the design process and be able to apply it to any future property or project.

We will walk you through all the steps that we, as architects and permaculture designers, would do for a 1:1 client. The main difference is that you will be doing the design work yourself.

We believe this is hugely beneficial, as the design becomes immeasurably more personal and relevant. 


A Masterplan could cover, but not be limited to:

  • Building positions and layouts
  • Earthworks & Infrastructure
  • ​Ornamental gardens
  • Kitchen garden 
  • Vegetable garden
  • ​Food forests
  • Agroforestry
  • Indigenous gardens
  • Lifestyle & Recreational areas
  • Boundaries, access, roads, circulation and pathways
  • Food production systems
  • Animal management systems
  • Waste management systems
  • Water management systems
  • ​Power generation systems
  • Income generation systems


We don't just teach this - we live this!
We have a deep belief that this mentorship programme will have a huge impact and make your life easier! Because it did for us.
The programme follows the exact process that we have personally implemented in order to design our own property master plan. 
As well as including all the knowledge and experience we have gained over the years as professional architects, and our ongoing education and research into permaculture, sustainability and self-sufficient systems (water, power, waste, food, etc).
 We truly want to help you achieve your dreams.
We have poured hours of time and energy into planning, strategizing and designing this programme in a way to fast track lasting change and transformation in your life.
Along our journey there was so much time wasted, frustration and overwhelm that we often gave up… And then started again. 
If we can make it seamless and easy for you to reach your desired outcomes we would be overjoyed!

Together we can make sense of how all the puzzle pieces fit together for your personalized plan. 

You are not quite ready for this if:

  • You do not have access to a property to base your master plan design on.
  • ​You do not have the time or capacity to dig deep, think hard and get creative.
  • ​You are not interested in living in close connection to nature, more sustainably or more self-sufficiently.
  • You don’t want an inspiring vision for the future of your property.
  • ​You do not want to change.
  • ​You want someone to do a design for you.

You are ready for this if:

  • You are super excited to take your property, life and vision for the future to the next level.
  • ​You want to live more connected to nature.
  • ​You have access to a property, and now you need help to find a clear vision forward for your property.
  • ​Have a ton of ideas, but don’t know how to bring them all together.
  • You want to be more sustainable, but feel overwhelmed by all the information and options out there. 
  • ​You dream of a self-sufficient, sustainable way of life.
  • ​Even if it scares you a little, you are excited to get stuck into the design process.
  • ​You are open to new ideas and ways of thinking.